Sport Nenner - Crazy Idea Logo

Crazy Idea

Racing, athletes, rib cage numbers and competitions have been in our DNA since the beginning of Crazy Idea's history. With Crazy Idea, climbing the mountain was always our goal, not necessarily for competitions, but often for speed. Contrary to what is believed, speed in the mountains is safety ... if you know how to do it. Fast & Light, that's what we believe. After these two simple words, we draw, produce and test our clothes, comfortable clothes that allow you to move forward quickly. It is made from fabrics that have been tested by our athletes mountaineering and running and are among the largest in the world. We don't have to be like them, but we can follow their philosophy, like a capricorn walking free ... be crazy.


In the event of a lockdown in Austria from Monday, November 22nd, 2021, for the announced period of Lockdowns Everyone Reservations automatically canceled and payments already made posted back. An email from you to us is therefore not necessary.

Please note that this can take a few days. You can always find the latest information here on our website.