Binding setting

better safe than sorry

better safe than sorry

binding setting

An annual, professional binding setting & check is part of skiing, like the annual service of the car. You can only be sure that your binding is triggered at the right moment using calibrated test equipment.

A correct binding setting is not only an advantage, but also crucial for your safety. If a fall occurs, it is important that the binding is released at the right moment to reduce the risk of injury. Triggering during a rapid descent should also be avoided. That is why a professional setting and checking on appropriately calibrated devices is so important. 

With Sport Nenner, all binding settings are made exclusively with tested and certified devices according to ISO 11088. These measure the force necessary for the release and thus check the functionality of the binding.

Skiverleih - Tux/Hintertux - Bindungseinstellung

What is required for a bond check and how long does it take?

When setting and checking the binding, a check-in on site is necessary. Here the body data (weight, height, age) and the driving ability are entered. In the meantime, we can already preset the binding with your ski boot (please bring both!). The test on the setting device itself usually takes about 2-3 minutes. With free capacity, the entire process from registration to payment takes about 10 minutes.

Please note that we can in no way guarantee a positive test result and that we also have to offset a negative result.

dangerous half knowledge

Correct attachment is often portrayed as a necessary evil. Once set, the binding must fit. Or not? There is a lot of dangerous half-knowledge about binding attitudes. Here are brief explanations to prevent some dangers:


The binding setting should be everyone 14 days of snow, at least each year be checked. Not only can your body change during this time, the bond can also change.


The Z value (= setting value on the binding) of the (older) bindings does not always correspond to the release behavior of the binding. A electronic verification on one calibrated testing device through a Specialist dealer guarantees you the right trigger value for you.


During the binding check not only the binding is tested, but also the assembly and the ski boot is tested according to. ISO 11088 subjected. Safe skiing is not limited to the binding alone, but to the entire combination: Ski binding shoe!

setting stations in the TuxertalVerleih

wherever you are

Sport Nenner - valley station

Valley station Hintertuxer glacier

Sport Nenner - Sommerberg shop

1. Section Hintertuxer glacier

Sport Nenner - Glacier Shop

2. Section Hintertuxer Glacier (Tuxer Fernerhaus)

Sport Nenner - Fashion

right in the center of Hintertux

Sport Nenner - Outdoor

in Lanersbach, directly at the Eggalm Bahn

Binding setting

tailored to you
  • exactly to your driving ability
  • Tailored to your physiology
  • electronic testing
  • Visual inspection of the functional unit
  • with test certificate

What other services are there?

Are you interested in the other Sport Nenner services?

Sport Nenner service

An overview of all Sport Nenner services can be found here
To overview


In the event of a lockdown in Austria from Monday, November 22nd, 2021, for the announced period of Lockdowns Everyone Reservations automatically canceled and payments already made posted back. An email from you to us is therefore not necessary.

Please note that this can take a few days. You can always find the latest information here on our website.

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