Participation in competitions

General conditions of participation for competitions at Sport Nenner

Organizer of the competition

The organizer of the competition is Sport Nenner (imprint).

The competition has no connection to Facebook or Instagram. Contact persons regarding the competition and all related questions should only be addressed to Sport Nenner directly.

Detailed information about the respective competition:

Detailed information about a specific competition can be found, among other things, in the respective post (hereinafter referred to as “post”) on the respective platform (e.g. directly on the competition Facebook post) or here on this website. This information includes in particular:

  • Detailed description of the prize
  • Information where and how the prize can be redeemed/paid out
  • Period (duration) of the competition; This also includes the date or time for the draw for the winner

General conditions of participation:

If in the respective post or on this website under the heading “Special conditions of participation“If no other information is available, the following conditions apply:

  • By participating in the competition, the participant agrees to the terms and conditions of participation.
  • Sport Nenner reserves the right to exclude people from the competition if the conditions of participation are violated.
  • Participants who use unfair means or manipulate the competition in any way will be excluded from the competition.
  • Employees of Sport Nenner are excluded from participating in the competition.
  • Otherwise, any natural person aged 18 or over is allowed to take part.
  • Participation takes place by “liking” and “commenting” on the respective competition post, unless otherwise stated in the posting. It is expressly emphasized that a “like” on the respective Sport Nenner Facebook/Instagram presence or the purchase of goods or services from Sport Nenner are not required for participation. The chances of winning are independent of the number of likes or comments.
  • Each participant is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their information, in particular their email and/or postal address.
  • Cash redemption of winnings or any other replacement for winnings is not possible under any circumstances.
  • Winnings or winning claims cannot be assigned or redeemed at a later date.
  • Prizes or prize items depicted symbolically or graphically are not necessarily identical to the item won, but may differ, for example in color, design or shape.
  • Sport Nenner reserves the right to cancel or end a competition at any time and without prior notice and without giving reasons. This is particularly the case if technical disruptions or other reasons can no longer guarantee that the competition will be carried out as planned and properly.


Unless specified in the respective post, the draw will be selected at random at the specified time, closed to the public. The draw can be done either by drawing a ticket or using digital tools (e.g. random generator).

Notification and distribution of prizes:

The winners will be mentioned in a comment directly on the respective post and notified of the win (no so-called personal message in messenger or similar). If the transmission of the prize requires the postal service, the address details are via to transmit. If the winner does not contact Sport Nenner within one week of being informed of the prize in order to deliver or transmit the prize, the winner loses all claim to the prize. A new draw will not be carried out unless expressly announced otherwise.

If the prize is handed out in person, the winner must identify themselves with an official photo ID. 

Final provisions:

Only Austrian law applies.

Legal recourse is excluded.

If one or more provisions in these conditions of participation are/become invalid, they will be replaced by the one that comes closest to the intended purpose. This does not mean that other provisions lose their validity (severability clause).

Unless mandatory legal provisions conflict with this, any liability of Sport Nenner in connection with the competition is excluded. This applies in particular to liability for incorrect, incorrect or incompletely transmitted or misdirected data; for late entries; other damages caused in connection with participation and/or winnings.

Data protection:

In order to participate in the competition, it may be necessary to provide personal data. The participant expressly agrees that the data they provide will be collected and processed for the implementation and processing of the competition, provided that no further processing of the data is agreed to (e.g. opt-in for newsletter). The participant also agrees that he may receive messages in connection with the Sport Nenner competition at the email address he has provided. In the event of cancellation, the participant will be excluded from the competition.

The personal data entered and transmitted by the participant during the competition will be collected, stored and used by Sport Nenner exclusively for the purpose of conducting and processing the competition and will be passed on to third parties (e.g. post office, parcel service, etc.), for example for the delivery of the prize.

The winner expressly agrees to the publication of his name and images on the websites and the Facebook/Instagram pages of Sport Nenner.   

The data will be deleted immediately and irretrievably after the competition has been completed.

Special terms and conditions for competitions at Sport Nenner

Special conditions of participation supplement the general conditions of participation or replace parts of these conditions.

Competition anniversary season 2023/2024:

  • The Competition for the 2023/2024 anniversary season will take place from November 15th, 2023 to April 14th, 2024.
  • Participation in the competition takes place by placing a valid winning ticket in a lottery box in the Sport Nenner branches during the competition period.
  • The draw for the monthly prize will take place within 14 days after the end of participation for the respective monthly prize.
  • The main prize will be raffled off until May 15, 2024.
  • Prize description main prize:
    • 5 nights for 2 people in our Nennerhof apartment house including premium rental equipment & color advice for the entire stay with a total value of approx. € 2000.00 (the actual value depends on the redemption period and the respective seasonal tariffs).
    • The prize can be redeemed until December 18, 2024.


In the event of a lockdown in Austria from Monday, November 22nd, 2021, for the announced period of Lockdowns Everyone Reservations automatically canceled and payments already made posted back. An email from you to us is therefore not necessary.

Please note that this can take a few days. You can always find the latest information here on our website.

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