Sport Nenner Ski rental 6x in Hintertux / Tux Mon, 26 Aug 2024 07:47:48 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Sport Nenner 32 32 Der Mythos von der Work-Life-Balance und warum uns #fairness so wichtig ist! Mon, 26 Aug 2024 07:47:46 +0000 For me, work-life balance is a myth. The term “work-life integration” is better – it’s about “bringing everything together so that it all just works”.

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I have been dealing with the topic of work environment for years now. And somehow the term "work-life balance" always comes up. The relationship between work and life should be balanced - and the more "life" the more "balance", many people say.

The problem is that you can't separate work and life. Because very few people say that they are no Have life and in life no Work. For me, work-life balance is a myth or a false idea. I prefer the term “work-life integration” – it is about “Bringing everything together so that it all fits“.

Sebastian von Sport Nenner
Sebastian Mader-Erhart, HR manager at Sport Nenner, has been dealing with the topic of working environment for some time

Bringing everything under one roof

And getting everything to fit together is sometimes an art in itself. To achieve this, you need fair companies and energetic team members who work together to get everything to fit together. Actually, this is a completely normal, natural thing, isn't it? At least, you might think so...

So that the Bringing common interests together For this to work, fairness is needed: fairness in pay, mutual fairness in vacation and leisure planning, fairness among and with each other, fairness towards the employee and the company. In my opinion, this is the basis for cooperation and working together to work at all.

At Sport Nenner, we have therefore been working intensively over the last few years on #fairness busy because we want to bring everything together with you. The result is impressive: We have

  • a transparent and fair salary system
  • clear rules
  • considerate and fair work and holiday planning
  • fair employee benefits
  • mutual appreciation
  • and much more

The practice

What does this look like in practice? Come and see us and see for yourself. I'm happy to be there for you for a no-obligation career discussion.

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Flexible Arbeit im Handel Sat, 14 Jan 2023 11:03:54 +0000 Unser Projekt „Gemeinsamer Nenner“ (durchgeführt und begleitet mit DIE BERATERINNEN aus Innsbruck) macht uns auch flexibler und damit fit, für die Herausforderungen im Handel. Was bedeutet das genau und wie sieht flexible Arbeit im Handel aus? Menschen sind flexibler geworden, wir auch! Überall liest man von Homeoffice und flexibler Arbeitszeit. Während das ohne weiteres in […]

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Our project "Common Nenner“ (performed and accompanied with THE CONSULTANTS from Innsbruck) also makes us more flexible and thus fit for the challenges in retail. What does that mean exactly and what does flexible work in retail look like?

People have become more flexible, so have we!

Everywhere you read about working from home and flexible working hours. While this can easily be implemented in office jobs, it is a bit more complicated for people who get hands-on and are tied to opening hours.

And yet you can also be flexible in retail. This is possible with modern work planning, short, direct communication channels and the appropriate will.

Since November, we've taken duty scheduling to the next level. New software allows us to make changes to the plan quickly and in a way that everyone can see. Holidays and days off can be conveniently requested via an app. And if it has to be particularly flexible, part-time employees, for example, can plan each day whether they would be available or not.

Our platform for immediate and uncomplicated exchange!
Roster always up to date and always with you!

Marginal, part-time, full-time, seasonal,…

This is the tool, our organizational talent Ulla then converts it into a concrete plan. It doesn't matter whether someone is employed on a marginal, part-time or full-time basis and how complex it gets, the more and more diverse we are, the better the duty roster works. And that is precisely the new flexibility in retail.

what does that mean to you?

Modeberaterin bei Sport Nenner

Any, i.e. any form of work is basically possible. Whether you can only work in the afternoons or mornings, whether you only want to work on certain days or whether every week is different for you... The future lies in a good combination of private and work (Work-Life Integration) so that both are enriching for you. And that is exactly what we are working towards in our joint Nenner. The more diverse Sport Nenner becomes, the better! Together to the New Work Organization!

interest aroused?

Would you like to find out more about your options without obligation and discreetly? We cordially invite you to a confidential conversation with us to talk about your future!

get in touch here, sei dabei und gestalte aktiv mit! 💪

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Von der Theorie in die Praxis Thu, 20 Oct 2022 08:47:46 +0000 Nachdem wir am 13. September unseren Visionstag absolviert haben, sind wir in die Umsetzung gegangen. Diese Woche hatten wir die Gelegenheit, erste Änderungen zu präsentieren und einzuführen. Was bisher geschah Seit wir am 13. September gemeinsam den Entschluss gefasst haben, dass wir zukünftig enger zusammenwachsen wollen um „an einem Strang“ ziehen zu können, arbeiteten wir […]

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After we got our on September 13th vision day have completed, we have started to implement it. This week we had the opportunity to present and introduce the first changes.

What happened until now

Since we made the decision on September 13th that we want to grow closer together in the future in order to be able to "pull in the same direction", we have been working together THE CONSULTANTS of proposed solutions, which we presented to the steering group.

In doing so, we worked out a new internal structure that refers less to individual branches and instead deliberately focuses on “the big picture”. The result was a simple and, for us, comprehensive overall package.

The steering group

This overall package was presented to the steering group. All positions and the consequences thereof were discussed in detail by all managers and four committed representatives from the team. At the end of the meeting, the proposal was unanimously approved. An aura was clearly noticeable for me. An aura of curiosity and wanting to implement. And that's something of the project COMMON DENOMINATOR gives strength!

At this point I would like to thank the steering group and the representatives from the team. We had a very good exchange and this new form of cooperation is already the cornerstone for our way into a future on which we all want to pull together even more!

The first steps: duty scheduling & communication

This week the time had come – the first steps were implemented. A new software for internal communication and exchange ensures shorter distances and improved feedback messages. A new duty roster software, as well as changes in the creation of the duty roster itself, will enable more freedom and planning security in the future. Here, too, the focus was on the fact that the new technical aids allow employees to plan more themselves and communicate more directly/easily.

Our first team meetings of the season took place on October 18 and October 19, 2022 - here we presented the results of the steering group.

What may sound abstract at this point has noticeable effects in practice, because overall we now have the best possible conditions for combining work and private life in the best possible way in the future. This has brought us a good deal closer to the New Work organization that we want to become.

What's next?

We are in the middle of the winter season right now. Therefore, the next changes will be made in small steps until the end of the season in April. The next major tasks are waiting for us after April 2023. Of course we will continue to inform you about all important steps in this blog!

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Der Sport Nenner Visionstag Thu, 15 Sep 2022 07:56:00 +0000 Es ist viel passiert seit unserem letzten Blogbeitrag. Nachdem in der Steuerungsgruppe die ersten Maßnahmen beschlossen wurden, war dann am 13. September die Zeit reif für unseren großen Sport Nenner Visionstag. An diesem Visionstag ging es um die Frage: „Wie soll Sport Nenner in einem Jahr aussehen und wie wollen wir als Team dastehen?“ Unser […]

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A lot has happened since our last one blog post. After the first measures were decided in the steering group, the time was ripe for our big one on September 13th Sport Nenner Vision Day.

This vision day was about the question:
“What should Sport Nenner look like in a year and how do we want it as a teameh?”

Our vision day was therefore all about our team. The top priority was that, in addition to all managers, as many team members as possible should also be able to take part. We have reduced business operations to a minimum so that everyone who wants to be there can also be there.

The process

THE CONSULTANTS have again accompanied our vision day. We focused on what is already working very well. Together we looked at what worked less well and tried to work out specific solutions for it. All in all, it quickly became clear what our common vision for the next year looks like.

Our vision

Sometimes a picture says more than 1000 words and that is the case in this case.

A group that day nailed it with their drawing.

The picture shows our team stretching a rope. And only if "everyone pulls together" can our company not only balance, but also stand, act and shape stably.

to pull together a team Being away from six branches is our vision for the coming year and for the future together. And that at any time - whether in good weather conditions (sunshine top left) or when storm clouds are gathering (top right).

And this vision, this commitment, is the goal we are pursuing, now we "only" have to pave the way there - now it's time to implement! With this in mind, we are looking forward to working together on the solutions for the Sport Nenner future!

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Maßnahmen, die wirken! Tue, 19 Jul 2022 13:01:12 +0000 Im vorherigen Blogbeitrag haben wir über die Analyseergebnisse berichtet. Sie sind die Basis für wirkungsvolle sowie zielgerichtete Weiterentwicklungen. Doch der Reihe nach… Die Steuerungsgruppe Am 7. Juli wurden die Analyseergebnisse nicht nur den Führungskräften präsentiert, sondern auch gleich mehreren Mitarbeiter:innen – zusammen auch als „Steuerungsgruppe“ bekannt. Die Steuerungsgruppe ist für den intensiven Austausch aller Interessen […]

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In the previous blog post we talked about the analysis results reported. They are the basis for effective and targeted further developments. But first things first...

The steering group

On July 7th, the analysis results were not only presented to the managers, but also to several employees - collectively known as the "steering group". The steering group is intended for the intensive exchange of all interests and for joint decision-making. In the individual steering groups, there are always two permanent and two rotating employee positions planned, as well as all four managers and one or two consultants. This gives everyone in the company the opportunity to actively participate in and help shape decisions.

After the presentation of the results, several packages of measures were presented. These were discussed and approved by the steering group. What sounds quite abstract has already been discussed very concretely and intensively. Even before the first possible measures were presented, the first proposed solutions were put on the table. Some of the ideas overflowed so much that we THE CONSULTANTS specifically derived from in-depth discussions in order to keep the big picture in focus.

Our two newest employees have taken the two changing places, they said at the first steering group meeting:

War ein super Treffen, mit vielen interessanten Themen. Ich sehe viel Potential in diesem Projekt 💪

Vincent J

Internal communication is an extremely important point for the success of a company. I see this project as an opportunity to promote the "we feeling" and thereby improve the work results.

sabine k

What was decided?

Several subject areas were identified from the analysis results, which will be dealt with in individual workshops. A small but not unimportant start will already take place in July/August, because in order to meet the desire for a clearer structure, the first responsibilities and tasks will be reviewed and reorganized with the managers if necessary.

And this is what the two longest-serving employees in the two fixed positions said:

Yesterday it was very clear that all "4Chefs" want to respond to the needs of the employees. They are open to suggestions and changes that improve operations. That's why we employees should also be open to their suggestions.

Ines F.

Sometimes it takes a little "nudge" to address or express various concerns or topics - that's why I think this project is great!

Klaus E

The actual start in a large group will then take place with all employees in September. Here we deal intensively with ourselves for a whole day - it's about them common sports Nenner DNA. So together we want to define what defines us and guides our actions. It also sounds abstract at first - but to make it actually tangible for everyone, we are again accompanied by DIE BERATERINNEN during this step. And with that we are in the best of hands – because if they have proven anything so far, it is that they have too really know what they are talking about.

Other packages were also approved, which primarily aim to optimize internal processes and strengthen and improve mutual exchange. Two more dates have already been fixed for September and October, so that you can benefit from the COMMON DENNOMINATOR before the start of the winter season. An evaluation will then take place in April 2023 (as of July 2022) and work on our DNA will continue.

We in the family are also involved with the project COMMON DENNER with heart and soul - it gives us strength and the progress so far with our committed team gives energy for the implementation!

As managers, we take that with us from the meeting:

It was a productive meeting with a good atmosphere for discussion. Looking forward to the next group session and the implementation of the project!

Sebastian Mader

It was good to discuss important points that concern us all in one way or another.

Ulla Erhart

It was very interesting, it gives you a better insight. The exchange was very open and honest. We're really excited about it!

Stefan & Brigitte Mader

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Die Analysephase ist abgeschlossen! Wed, 13 Jul 2022 09:52:45 +0000 Am 7. Juli war es dann schließlich so weit – die Ergebnisse aus der Analysephase (Teil 1, Teil 2) wurden uns von DIE BERATERINNEN präsentiert. Aus insgesamt 32 ausgefüllten Fragebögen und zwei separaten Fokusgruppen hat sich ein sehr umfangreiches Gesamtbild ergeben. Dabei geben uns die Ergebnisse nicht nur viel positive Energie, sondern sie zeigen auch […]

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Finally, on July 7th, the time had come – the results from the analysis phase (Part 1, Part 2) were us from THE CONSULTANTS presents. A very comprehensive overall picture emerged from a total of 32 completed questionnaires and two separate focus groups. The results not only give us lots of positive energy, but they also show important improvement potential on.

things that give us strength

First to the positive sides, because of course there are things that give you strength. It is particularly pleasing that pages have appeared here that we, as a family business, attach great importance to. It was positively emphasized that in principle we always try to meet and comply with all wishes (e.g. when creating the work plan).

Auszug aus der Ergebnispräsentation von DIE BERATERINNEN
Excerpt from the presentation of results by DIE BERATERINNEN

In addition to a free lunch, work clothing, a ride on the company bus and free rental for employees were also mentioned as sources of energy. The work itself also gives energy - not only can it usually be done very independently, it is also varied and "it's always fun with the guests".

What makes me personally very happy: It is definitely seen and noticed that Ulla and I always try to have an open ear for everyone.

Things we want to tackle

If everything were already on the right track, the project would be COMMON DENOMINATOR yes somehow superfluous. And we are also very grateful for the committed and open exchange that we had during the analysis phase. Accordingly, some areas (so-called "areas of tension") have arisen, which we want to improve in a targeted manner in the further course of the project.

The areas of tension can be roughly divided into two areas: Strengthening cohesion as well as the Optimization and specification of processes.

Strengthening cohesion

From the survey and the focus groups, it can be deduced that cohesion within the team and between our branches should be strengthened. Here the desire for more joint meetings (e.g. Christmas party, end-of-season party) as well as more opportunities for direct contact was expressed.

Optimization and specification of processes

The second area of tension mainly concerns internal workflows and processes. For example, cross-branch processes and a more precise regulation of responsibilities and competencies are desired. There is also a wish for more specifications in some areas, but at the same time more decision-making freedom (e.g. uniform discount regulations). The role of the customer has also evolved significantly in recent years - as a result, the range of tasks in sales has become more demanding, which may necessitate additional training.

What's next?

Overall, we are very pleased with the conclusion of the analysis phase happy and above all highly motivated! With the very comprehensive overall picture from the analysis phase, we want to take a lot with us and above all do NOT do one thing: stick our heads in the sand. The positive aspects in particular also give energy to actually use these improvement opportunities.

In the next part of the blog we will tell you more about the first meeting of the steering group and the agreed packages of measures. This brings us a good step closer to our COMMON DENOMINATOR!

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Fokus setzen Fri, 20 May 2022 10:14:00 +0000 Am 19. Mai 2022 fand der nächste Teil der der Analysephase statt: Die Fokusgruppen Die Fokusgruppen sind nicht fixer Bestandteil des BGF-Analysevorgangs. Wir haben uns jedoch für diesen zusätzlichen Schritt entschieden, um einen noch genaueren Einblick in unser Unternehmen zu erlangen. Bei den Fokusgruppen wurden zwei Untergruppen gebildet. Die Leitung von den Fokusgruppen wurde ausschließlich […]

The post Fokus setzen appeared first on Sport Nenner.

On May 19, 2022, the next part of the analysis phase took place: the focus groups

The focus groups are not a fixed part of the BGF-analysis process. However, we decided to take this extra step to gain an even deeper insight into our company.

Two sub-groups were formed in the focus groups. The focus groups were led exclusively by THE CONSULTANTS carried out. In this way, a secure discussion environment could be created in which anonymity towards the management was maintained.

In a further step, THE CONSULTANTS summarize the results from the focus groups and from the opinion poll together and will present them to a so-called "steering group" at the beginning of July. Part of the presentation will also already be concrete packages of measures that pave the way for the further project. We should now have enough feedback to set the focus correctly.

Neither the focus groups nor the other packages of measures are part of the company health promotion and are therefore financed entirely by our family business.

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Startschuss für den Gemeinsamen Nenner Thu, 07 Apr 2022 09:40:00 +0000 Nach Monaten der Vorbereitung und des Vordenkens ist es am 6. April 2022 endlich soweit – wir starten unser Projekt GEMEINSAMER NENNER. Um für die Herausforderungen der Zukunft gewappnet zu sein, haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, das Projekt GEMEINSAMER NENNER ins Leben zu rufen. Am 6. April 2022 fand die Kick-off-Veranstaltung mit dem gesamten Sport […]

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After months of preparation and forward thinking, the time has finally come on April 6, 2022 - we start our project COMMON DENNOMINATOR.

In order to be prepared for the challenges of the future, we have decided to launch the COMMON DENNOMINATOR project. On April 6, 2022, the kick-off event took place with the entire Sport Nenner team.

On this occasion, a standardized questionnaire developed by the Company health promotion (BGF) was made available, filled in by all. The evaluation was carried out completely anonymously by the BGF and the results were presented to our highly professional project supervisors THE CONSULTANTS hand over.

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